
Achievements And More

Want to find out more?

Over the years, I have been actively acquiring new skills to broaden my horizon and taking new challenges. For more information, view my resume here.

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He works in a steady manner and maintains a calm composure even under stressful situations. Thoughtful and caring, he renders help to his peers and teachers when necessary. For his exemplary behaviour, Yen Pin was awarded the Sustained Good Behaviour Award in 2020.
-By Naval Base Secondary School (Ms Cheng Vivien)
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2020: Leadership Contribution in Table Tennis Boys

Horned to be part of NBSS' School Team. I also served as the vice-captain. During my term, I have learned an adopted values including being people-focused, event planning and effective communiction.

Acquired Skills & Growth

  • Horned my leadership skills
  • Trained to be people-focused
  • Event planning
  • Effective Communiction

2019: Emcee for National School Game Table Tennis

Being part of NSG was a memorable experience, being the Emcee have been the icing on the cake. This experience allowed me to build and tain on being more confidence, improving team work and enhance adaptability skills.

Acquired Skills & Growth

  • Built more confidence
  • Work under pressure
  • Adaptability

2019: Finished 7th place for NBSS Road Run

Road Run is an annual event hosted by NBSS, preparing prior to the competition was a taught one. There were many obstacles along the way however, with the never give up attitude and growth mindset I managed to clinged 7th place.

Acquired Skills & Growth

  • Never give up attitude
  • Pacing
  • Grit and Growth Mindset


I&E Bootcamp

I have joined the I&E bootcamp in NYP, this have allowed me to acquire relevant skills in relation to innovation and enterprise. The bootcamp had also enhanced my teamwork an critical thinking skills.

Completed On: Oct 2021


2020 marked my graduation from my secondary school, I have learnt alot on leadership and interpersonal skills. I have also achieve many milestones along the way and overcome obstacles.

Completed On: Nov 2021

Emcee for NSG

Emcee for the NSG Finales was scary, as at that point in time I havent had a chance to speak in front of thousands of people. However, ever since then I have grew to become more confident and work better under stressful situation.

Completed On: Apr 2019